I would not consider myself a singer by any means, however, I sing all the time in the car, the shower, at home, nearly every day. I also talk a lot for my job on the phone and in meetings. Using the SOVT Vocal Trainer has helped me tremendously. I have only been using it for about a week and a half and my voice feels so free. I do sustained notes and sirens with it in the car before work in the morning. I just recently started warming up and have used it when doing scales. I can’t recommend this enough. Nothing I have tried has worked before. I’ve had vocal issues in the past with straining and a weak voice. I saw an ENT and they told me I had thinner vocal cords than normal which explains why I’m a little quieter than most and have less endurance. This is slowly helping erase those problems day by day and I can’t recommend this enough. Worth every penny and more.
Like a straw but better because of the ability to adjust pressure. I’m obsessed.
Works Amazingly well and I can tell my voice control is improving. Even my warm-ups are so much more effective as I am improving my vocal stamina
This is a FANTASTIC device to help rest, relax, and therapeutically restore the voice. As a professional opera singer for over 25 years I’ve tinkered with a variety of different straws to use SOVT exercises, but oftentimes the straws you grab are made of paper (great for the environment, but I HATE them), or too small or too large! The Vocal Trainer does everything that any straw can do, but it allows you to personalize the amount of resistance to the breath that you’d like to sing with. The greater the pressure, the more I find it helps with truly realizing that you are physically in the appoggio. Its a great device that I wish I had known about years ago!
The tool is high quality and nice carrying case included. I would have appreciated more guidance on how to best use it.
Having said that, I found my way on how it would work well for me, and I definitely notice a difference in my voice -- even my speaking voice.
Seemed to help me with breath control and sustain, and I sang better than I ever had after using only a few times and especially a couple hours before the gig
I haven't been in the choir for a while. This tool is making my voice stronger, especially high notes.
I bought the Better Voice tool for myself months ago, and it has proven to be quite the agent of transformative and transformational change. I bought the same tool for my mother and sister; and my mother claims that it helped her the very second she began to use it!
I’ve always struggled with neck tension. After a few exercises, the tension is gone. I’ve shared it with my two boys and their singing has improved. Need to get a few more now.
I love this little device. It really does give you a double fast warmup! Fun to wear around the neck and play with whenever I think of it. Thanks!
Just received mine as a Christmas gift and am SO IMPRESSED by how EFFECTIVE this little device is for QUICKLY and SAFELY finding the correct vocal placement in "the mask." It helps to bridge the chest and head voice seamlessly... only problem is I wish it had been around decades earlier!
Just warming every day for 5 to 10 minutes I’ve noticed a great improvement in my range. Great tool.
You can feel the effect this device has on your vocal cords after the first use. I use it for a few minutes when I’m driving somewhere. Short sessions. We’ll see if it impacts my range and vocal stamina long term.
It's smaller than I anticipated - but that makes it easy to just wear around your neck when you are out and about or in the car. I can feel how it trains you to push the air when you sing from deep inside and that helps eliminate any tension that could typically be in your jaw and mouth. Within a few days it enabled me to sing more naturally and hit notes more accurately and hold them steady. I recommend it.
I started using this device hoping for some improvements to my voice, but I didn’t expect the results to come so quickly! After just one training session, my vocal tone sounded MUCH better.
A very helpful and practical little gadget.
EASY to keep with me and use in the car. I am using this mainly to re-strengthen my breath. To be honest it's easy to "cheat" (by humming or nose singing) that doesn't let air pressure build through device, so, DON'T Cheat!.
You should also do vocal scales and breath exercises along with SOVT.
I CAN feel a difference in breath pressure in just a couple weeks. I think will be the perfect warm up helper.
Definitely recommending the Vocal Trainer to some of my artists.
Mahalo, Michael Ruff